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A133 Francis Leyau CAFS (Central Academy Feng Shui)XUAN KONG FLYING STAR Certification Course 5 days MP4+PDF 马来西亚刘育才的中央风水学院玄空飞星风水大师认证课程英文版5天上课视频
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,含刘育才老师的玄空风水讲义 PDF 173页。。视频和 pdf 都会加上水印和记号,部分加密,确定是本人看不会外传才可以购买。
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文件夹内容如下目录明细171页讲义中英文对照 pdf
2020 Front Door Feng Shui.mp4
Day 1
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 1-1.mp4
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 1-2.mp4
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 1-3.mp4
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 1-4.mp4
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 1-5.mp4
Day 2
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 2-1.mp4
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 2-2.mp4
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 2-3.mp4
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 2-4.mp4
Day 3
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 3-1.mp4
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 3-2.mp4
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 3-3.mp4
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 3-4.mp4
Day 4
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 4-1.mp4
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 4-2.mp4
April 2020 Flying Stars Certification Course Day 4-3.mp4
Day 5 Bonus
Bonus Video 1.mp4
Bonus Video 2.mp4
Flying Star Feng Shui Practitioner Certification.mp4
Flying The Stars
Flying The Stars.mp4
Flying The Stars.pdf
Preliminary Materials
10 Stems & 12 Branches
The 10 Heavenly Stems.png
The 12 Animals.jpg
24 Mountains
24 Mountain Transparency.png
24 Mountains List.png
Flying The Stars
Flying The Stars.mp4
Flying The Stars.pdf
Salt Cure
Salt Cure Video.m4v
Structural Feng Shui.pdf
slides PUBLIC.pdf
Text Book 171p- Francis Leyau
Textbook 01-12p.pdf
Textbook 02-13p.pdf
Textbook 03-11p.pdf
Textbook 04-23p .pdf
Textbook 05-15p.pdf
Textbook 06-10p.pdf
Textbook 07-9p.pdf
Textbook 08-9p.pdf
Textbook 09-9p.pdf
Textbook 10-9p.pdf
Textbook 11-9p.pdf
Textbook 12-9p.pdf
Textbook 13-9p.pdf
Feng Shui Mastery is a 24 hours (Four days) intensive Feng Shui workshop organized by Central Academy of Feng Shui (known as CAFS). The course is divided into 10 levels covering theoretical and practical training (building and site inspection), explanation and application of Lou pan, textbook exercises, exams and finally, a discussion on the answers to the exam questions.
To set a standard to the Feng Shui profession and in line with the CAFS program, certificates will only be issued to those who pass their exam. Exams can be re-sat and one free repeat on the whole course will be allowed if make the full payment on the course fee.
The aims of the course are :
(1)To impart true knowledge of Feng Shui to students.
(2)To enable the students to apply the knowledge to benefit themselves and others.
(3)To enable the students to earn full or part time income through Feng Shui training and consultancy.What is true knowledge of Feng Shui?
It is knowledge that relates purely to Feng Shui i.e no magic, no psychology, no generalization and no superstition. You will not be taught things like, when you place your door here money will be running to you; or you must place a fierce picture to frighten burglars; or trees in front of your door is bad; or you must place your altar or ba gua here to receive good luck.
All our Feng Shui arrangements are supported by explanations and formulae that were not set by us but by our “Feng Shui” Ancestors. This true knowledge of Feng Shui was directly inherited by CAFS Founder, Master Leyau, the only remaining disciple in the fourth generation of the Tan’s San Yuan Xuan Gong Feng Shui School, whose origin can be traced back to the early part of this century. Books on theories of Yin (graveyard) and Yang (houses, offices, factories etc) Feng Shui and practical experiences authored by our Feng Shui Ancestor, Master Tan Yang Wu of the above mentioned school are now in Master Leyau’s possession.
How can we recognize The Central Academy Of Feng Shui to be authentic?
Undoubtedly this is the only Academy in the World to inherit the teachings of the Founding Masters. And the case studies presented are as handed down by the predecessors (the original masters). The Central Academy of Feng Shui also holds a track record of students who turned practitioners or consultants and even of other recipients who go on to practice Feng Shui for their personal benefits.
Besides, the Academy has track records of successful analysis of events; among them, the famous one is the eventful prediction of the need for extensive renovation and lucrative economic gains derived by Singapore Hyatt Hotel from Master Hung Chuan’s interpretation in 1973.
How can a student earn income from this knowledge?
Feng Shui Mastery is the first training workshop under CAFS Central Certification Program. The students who graduate are given internationally recognized certificates, thereby enabling them to upgrade to trainers and consultants. Subsequently, they are able to earn income from services provided, with support and facilities from CAFS.
To cope with the CAFS expansion program, a lot of trainers are required at the moment. A good number of Master Leyau’s students from his 30 years of teaching has successfully engaged in full time consultancy and training, some internationally renowned too.
Skills and knowledge gained
Besides the basic Feng Shui skills and knowledge gained in this course, students will have a clear understanding of what is and what is not Feng Shui. They will be able to reason why some businesses succeed while others fail. For those with children, an ideal place to enhance their mental strength and obedience can also be located. Skills acquired include ability to identify good location for home or business thus, improving health, wealth and good fortune; ability to minimize bad effects and maximize good effects.
Course Structure – Complete Flying Star Fengshui
Day 1- CAFS Instructor
1. Formation of Ba Gua Wu Ji, Tai Ji, Two Poles, Four Phenomena
2. Name of Ba Gua, their symbol and implications
3. Derivation of the Ten Heavenly Stems and their cardinal points and seasonal combination
4. Derivation of the Twelve Earthly Branches and their cardinal points, seasonal combination
5. 60 year cycle of calendar and the 24 solar terms
6. Early Heaven Sequence Arrangement of Ba Gua and their application
7. Later Heaven sequence Arrangement of Ba Gua and their application.
8. 24 Mountains (application)
9. Lo Shu
10.Computation of Flying Star ChartDay 2 -CAFS Instructor
1.Terms in Feng Shui:
a. Dao Shan Dao Xiang
b. Shang Shan Xia Shui
d. Shuang Xing Dao Zuo
e. Fu Mu San Ban Gua
f. Lian Zhu San BanGua
2.He Tu the yellow river diagram
a. Combination of Ten
b. Fu Ying
c. Fan Ying
d. Imprisonment of Star
e. Castle Gate
f. Castle Gate Theory
g. Ling Shen (water placement technique)
h. Zheng Shen
i. Robbery of the Seven Stars
j. Substitute Star
3. Implications of
a. San Sha
b. Wu Wang
c. Tai Sui
d. Sui Po
e. Annual and Monthly Star
Achievement :
Students who completed this Level will have a full understanding of the above topic related to the study of Feng Shui.Day 3-CAFS Instructor
Interpretation of the 81 Combinations
3 Application of the 81 Combinations to all flying star charts for period 7 and 8.
4. Application of number to Stove, Door, Room, Bed , Water, Road.
5. Application of number to man
6. Application of number to external land form
Case Study from the old text and Analyses
Achievement :
Students who completed this Level understands the interpretation of the combination of number and the application of all the numbers in Flying Star Feng Shui.Day 4-CAFS Instructor
How to Read Luo Pan
a. Full explanation of each rings in Luo Pan
b. Luo pan Application
d. Site Visit and Practical
e. End of Course
Achievement :
Students who completed this Level have reached the advanced theoretical section and the timing of happening in Flying Star Feng Shui. And understands all the Rings in the Luo pan and their application with confidence and will receive a certificate from CAFS carrying the title of Graduates after passing the test.All student will have full confident to answer the Questions below :
- How to determine a house facing and sitting I? (Actual Xuan Kong Flying Star Method)
-Magnetic North reading
-Compass reading
-Geographic reading- Where to take the reading?
-Against the door
-Three feet or three meters away from the door?
-Opposite the road?
-From the center of the building
– Main Entrance?
– Building Intentions?
– Direction of flowing Qi?
– More Yang side?
– Or by external landform? Which are correct?- How to determine a house facing and sitting II?
– Difference between San He (Eight Mansions. etc) Vs San Yuan (Xuan Kong)*
What happen if there are;
– multiple entrances?
– more than one entrances?- How to determine a house facing and sitting III?
– House Facing using Open & Enclose Concept of “Qi” flow
– House vs Shopping Mall vs Commercial Office- Determining The House Period
House units or individual apartment under the same building can sometimes have few different periods. Why?- Xuan Kong Flying Star Chart
– Under what situation, a house can have two flying star charts?
– How to due with a house that has two Flying Star Chart?- Pie Chart Vs 9 Square Grid
- How to Compartmentalize a house using the Pure San Yuan Method
Most school (mixture of San Yuan & San He) uses a Pie Chart and 9 Grids method to analyze a house. In Pure San Yuan School of Feng Shui, we use the secret method known as “Compartmentalizing the Stars into the right sectors”.- Compartmentalizing the Stars:
– Odd Shape Building / Houses
– Passage Way vs Door
– Open & Enclose Concept of “Qi” flow- *All the Feng Shui Theories and formulae are supported by the Case Law recorded in the Case study books of our Grandmasters